
Built By Books

Morgan Province - Training and Development SpecialistWhile other kids were playing outside, I was tucked away in my room reading a good book. My parents had to actually force me to play outside sometimes, just so I could get fresh air and socialize.

Although I hated closing that book, I was thankful that my parents made me balance my love of reading with a bit of socialization because as I grew up, that interest turned into curiosity about people, human behavior, and leadership.

Built by Books was created to follow that curiosity through reading, research, the creation of tools that help women advance their careers.

Why just read a great book when I can share it with other book lovers who want to advance their careers? Take a look at the blog and see if I have a book for one of your current career struggles.

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Other interests of mine include reading fiction, writing, cuddling with my two Westies, binge-watching television, crocheting, photography, and absurdly cheering on my Kansas Chiefs and Kansas Jayhawks. I’m just a ball of weird interests!

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